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Plant thermogenesis has played key role in attracting pollinating insects for at least 200 million years, study suggests

Thermogenesis is present in plants such as ‘Macrozamia communis’, which raise the temperature of their reproductive organs when in bloom to attract pollinating insects. Credit: R. Oberprieler / Yun Hsiao Thermogenesis is a process by which organisms generate internal heat. Although it is usually associated with animals, some plants have also developed this ability. This

Illuminating plant water dynamics: The role of light in leaf hydraulic regulation

Influence of Light on Plant Ionic-Osmo-Hydraulic Properties and Water Homeostasis. The impact of the complete light spectrum on plant ion and water transport is widely recognized. The light spectrum affects hydraulic conductance at multiple levels, from individual cells to the entire organism. The left side of panels a–c (blue shaded background) describes the processes that occur when

Team uncovers plant remediation effects on petroleum contamination

Chris Kasanke, left, and Mary-Cathrine Leewis were part of the UAF research team led by microbiology professor Mary Beth Leigh that studied plant remediation of a site contaminated by petrochemicals. Their recently published study of the Fairbanks site revealed that initial choices about fertilization and seeding affected which plants and soil microbes were present two

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