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Companies with emotionally intelligent managers make more money, research shows

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Companies with emotionally intelligent managers are not only nicer places to work, but also make more money, new research says. Managers who are more empathic and socially skilled create an environment where their firms’ profits are higher and their customers are more satisfied, the study found. Dr. Bilal Zaghmout, of York

Companies’ zero-deforestation commitments have potential to halve cattle-driven deforestation in Brazilian Amazon

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Cattle-rearing is the biggest cause of tropical deforestation in the Amazon—and the world. A study has found that some of the world’s largest slaughterhouses reduced cattle-driven deforestation in the Amazon by 15%—equivalent to sparing 7,000km2 of forest from clearance (4.5 times the size of London)—through their commitment to zero-deforestation policies between…

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