Margarete Howe

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Pakistan shuts primary schools in Lahore over record pollution

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind Releases December 10 for All Major Platforms

Developer Digital Eclipse announced Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind will launch for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on December 10 for $34.99. View the release date announcement trailer below: Read details on the game below: In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind…Read More

Metal Slug Tactics to be a Day One Release on Xbox Game Pass

Publisher Dotemu and developer Leikir Studio announced the strategy RPG, Metal Slug Tactics, will be a day one release on Xbox Game Pass when it launches for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on November 5…Read More

Songs of Conquest Releases November 12 for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S

Coffee Stain Publishing and developer Lavapotion announced the turn-based strategy RPG, Songs of Conquest, will launch for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S on November 12. The game is currently available for PC via Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG. It will launch release for iOS and Android in Summer 2025…Read More

Songs of Silence Releases November 13 for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC

Developer Chimera Entertainment announced the strategy game, Songs of Silence, will launch for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam and GOG on November 13. The game has been available in Early Access for PC since June. View the release date trailer below: Read details on the game below: Songs of Silence is a next-generation turn-based

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