Lyndia Grisby

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Planet sees 10 straight months of record-breaking heat

Credit: Markus Spiske from Pexels Californians have had weekend after weekend of cool, stormy weather and the Sierra Nevada has been blessed with a healthy snowpack. But the reality is that even the last few months have been more than 2 degrees hotter than average. The planet is experiencing a horrifying streak of record-breaking heat

Astronomers analyze masses, orbital properties and atmospheric features of six exoplanets

A team of researchers led by astronomers at UCI has obtained highly precise information about six confirmed exoplanets orbiting TOI-1136, a dwarf star about 270 light years from Earth. Credit: Rae Holcomb / UCI A recently discovered solar system with six confirmed exoplanets and a possible seventh is boosting astronomers’ knowledge of planet formation and

LLOYD COLE graba vídeo clip con DOUG ARROWSMITH de FELTFILM para el vídeo “THE IDIOT”

Lloyd Cole lanza un vídeo para acompañar su nuevo sencillo ‘The Idiot’, el segundo sencillo de su nuevo álbum ‘On Pain’ a través de earMUSIC. La película es otra colaboración entre Lloyd Cole y el cineasta canadiense Doug Arrowsmith de Feltfilm (quien filmó el video de Lloyd para su anterior sencillo ‘Warm By The Fire’).MIRA

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